Manage your beauty salon.

For spas, massage, nail, dog groomers, barbershops, tattoo studios and more.
Download on the App Store®
  • View by date

    Today or use the date picker

  • See who's coming

    Which Client and Staff

  • Revenue

    Know how much to collect

  • Past and upcoming?

    Visual indicators

  • View notes

    Client will be late for example

  • Send confirmation

    To the client and staff

  • Who's working?

    Today or use the date picker

  • Available when?

    View start and end time for each scheduled staff

  • Edit staff schedule

    Make changes easily

  • Communicate

    With your staff by tapping on the iPhone or Text button.

  • Your personal accountant

    Let BeautiFlow do the math

  • Revenue

    How much money?

  • Export report

    In a CSV file

  • Staffs payoffs

    Salary including commissions

  • Analytics

    Which services are the most popular

  • List

    All your clients

  • Promotions

    From the reports, send specific promotions for top clients?

  • Marketing

    Send valentine, Christmas, New Year wishes, etc. to your clients.

  • History

    View client history

Privacy Policy

We do not collect any Personal Information.

The Application does not use third party services that may collect information used to identify you.

Terms of use

This Application is provided by LETUSDOWEB and is intended for use as is if you choose to use it.

Contact us

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